Tennessee Brewery

A sophisticated Dining and Entertainment Destination. The plan was to revitalize the abandoned Tennessee Brewery through a six-story renovation and adaptive reuse to create a Mixed-Use building. 

The Tennessee Brewery building stands at the intersection of Butler and Tennessee streets in Memphis, Tennessee. It is directly on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. The building once housed the Tennessee Brewing Company, a leader in early brewery production. The brewery was originally organized in 1877 by G.H. Herbers as “The Memphis Brewing Company”. In 1885, it was bought by J. W. Schorr, Casper Koehler, and associates, and soon became one of the largest breweries of the era. At one point, more than 1,500 workers worked at the brewery. Barring a few minor renovations performed to keep the building in tact for potential future renovations, the building that remains today is basically unchanged since it opened in the late 1800s.